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You Are Cordially Invited: A Visual History of 16 Years of Invitation


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Best Picture: braveheart

movin' on up

Braveheart poster

After the hideous debacle of the previous year's ballot, our good friend Ed Sodo takes pity on us and offers to create this year's ballot at his place of work, which he promptly does and then delivers to us for distribution to our guests. Clean and easy-to-read, it's a big step up in quality from last year's mess.

Gwen and I also take a step upward as we finally moved up above ground, and now the party takes place in our somewhat-larger second-floor apartment in Media. Hey, seating for all! (I think.) This was our first year hosting as a married couple, adding an extra veneer of respecta-ma-bility to the proceedings. This was also the year that I got the bright idea of having one of the nominated films playing on TV before the ceremony as our guests arrived and got settled. This year we showed Best Picture nominee "Babe", which shoulda won instead of the film that did.